Panther Branch Wetland Observatory & Educational Center

After partnering with the Juniper Level Baptist Church Community Alliance in 2013 to begin work on the restoration of Panther Branch Rosenwald school, we are excited to be partnering with them again for a feasibility study to preserve and enhance 10 acres of wetlands in the Panther Branch community!

The project includes the concept design of an observatory and educational center, as well as walkways, boardwalks, and observatory vistas vistas to safely increase public access to the site (minimizing disturbance to the natural setting). Wetlands enhancements will also increase the capacity for habitats of endangered species.

Once completed the site will provide educational and training opportunities, and increase the recreational amenities available in Wake County’s southern region (where explosive growth and development is occurring). Local schools and community programs will be able to introduce students and families to wetland ecosystems, principals of land preservation, and wildlife and habitat conservation.

The feasibility study has begun in earnest, and we are thrilled to partner with Juniper Level Missionary Baptist Church and JLBC Community Alliance, Wake County Soil and Water Conservation and the department of Longe Range Planning, Design Workshop and the Carolina Wetlands Association on the project.

Funding is provided by the NC Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources Development Grant.

Swipe to see photos of the wetlands as well as the restored Panther Branch school.

You can learn more about the project, future goals and the JLBC Community Alliance at:
